Social Security is not making calls to your home. You may have already gotten one, you may get one this week. But, when the caller says “This is Social Security calling…” hang up. If you have caller ID, make note of the calling number and do not answer that call.
The caller states there is a problem with your account and your benefits may be affected if you do not take action. Then they ask for personal information that gives them the ability to “pretend” to be you online, stealing your ID and starting a nightmarish problem in your life.
Social Security does not call.
You can read here how Social Security protects you and your account; what they ask, and what they don’t. You can always ask the caller for a number to call back. This will cause the caller to jump through hoops to get you to give them what they want.
I DO NOT RECOMMEND staying on the phone with ANY agent falsely representing an agency of the government, bank or financial institution.
Call the agency directly. Be heads up when you receive a call.
ONe of the ways I identify a real call from a false one is the amount of time it takes for the person on the other end to talk. The long pause after your initial hello is an indication that you are being called by a false representative, a salesperson or someone who is trying to get your money.
Don’t fall for it this year. Stay safe with your ID and financial information.
Remember Social Security does not call you.