Book: Keys to the Door, Password Logbook

Email Password – Time to Change It

It is time to change your Email password. Why? you ask.

Email is the easiest avenue for a hacker to access your bank or other online accounts. You use your email to log into those accounts and inside the accounts are emails that ask for password rests, temporary passwords and login information to other sites.

If you use your laptop at an airport and use the airport’s free WiFi, you are connected to every other person inside the airport waiting area. Any one of those users can hack into your computer and snag your passwords and then login as you on their own machine and access your accounts.

Want to prevent harm to your accounts?

  • Change your passwords immediately after using your laptop in a public place.
  • Use a personal hotspot instead of the public WiFi
  • Do not use your laptop in public networks
  • For now…check your email from your Smartphone
  • Use a long complicated password

Examples of long complicated passwords



Start with a phrase:

I want a cryptic password

Change it to cryptic symbols and letters


A simple use of using a cryptic password


Change your Email Password today!




