Malware sneaks up on you. Keep yourself aware.

  • Why Email Passwords Need to Be Very Strong and Different then Others You Use

    Why Email Passwords Need to Be Very Strong and Different then Others You Use

    Email Passwords Why do your email passwords need to be very strong and different than the others you use? Hacking is big business. Email is how a hacker gets to your banking and credit card information. Think about this. Every time you sign up for a banking login or you need to change your password,…

  • Update Regularly or Risk Attacks from Spectre, Meltdown or the Next One

    I Do Updates, and Why Update regularly. It is your primary defense against losing data, getting attacked and having your identity stolen, or worse. I believe many people do not update their computers because “it changes things.” Yes, that is true and sometimes it creates a time suck to fix those issues. That is because the…

  • Guys and Gals

    This study (“What’s the Password?”: The Surprising Results | EPC Group) says that men are almost three times as likely as women to include the word “password” in their passwords. This makes it easy to crack, while women are 1.5 times more likely to use the use of four words method. Their passwords are easy…

  • Pick a New Password and Make it Easy to recall

    Pick a New Password and Make it Easy to recall

    I suggest that you change your email password frequently so pick a new password and today, make it easy to recall. Start by creating a phrase that you can remember. “I like chocolate.” Use the spaces if your email program allows it. This creates a password that a machine cannot decipher in the time allotted by…

  • Get Wordfence for your Site

    Get Wordfence for your Site

    You didn’t create your site so somebody could overtake it. Wordfence protection will help you keep it safe for your content and your visitor’s experience. Read this article about Ransomware and how it is on the rise for WordPress sites. Ransomware Targeting WordPress – An Emerging Threat

  • Ransomware video – How it happens

    Here is a simple video showing one-way Ransomware can instantly infect a computer. This is from Malwarebytes, the one company I know updates their program to keep up with the changes in Malware technology.      

  • National Data Privacy Day – Do These Things

    National Data Privacy Day – Do These Things

    National Data Privacy day is a day to make positive and effective efforts to protect the privacy of your personal data. The single most significant way for individuals to do this is threefold. Change your passwords to stronger, more complicated ones. Use two level access wherever it is offered. Install and keep an Anti-Malware program…

  • What is Phishing? Do I need to know?

    What is Phishing? Do I need to know?

    Phishing “In simple words, Phishing is a process of creating a duplicate copy of a reputed website’s page in the intention of stealing user’s password or other sensitive information like credit card details. In our topic, Creating a page which perfectly looks like Gmail login page but in a different URL like or or any…

  • Beware : NEW Phishing for GMail

    Beware : NEW Phishing for GMail

    NEW Phishing for GMail I have just read an article regarding a new hacking phishing scam that will steal your ID using GMail. You get an email from someone you know It has an attachment You click on the attachment and You are prompted to sign in to Google AGAIN. You are now infected. It…

  • Malwarebytes Upgrade Coming Soon

    I received notification that Malwarebytes is soon being upgraded. The advantages will be good for Internet safety. Here is a copy of the promotion: We have Great News! Malwarebytes 3.0 is coming soon, delivering the most powerful security we have ever released. For a limited time before the official release of Malwarebytes 3.0, customers can lock…