Malware sneaks up on you. Keep yourself aware.

  • Does Norton Protect Against Malware?

    Norton products are often questioned: Does Norton Protect Against Malware? They come for free on many new systems from the Big Box stores and I find myself uninstalling them in favor of a more robust Anit-Malware product. So, does Norton protect against malware? I think so. But a person using the computer needs to be educated…

  • Can Your Computer Webcam be used Remotely?

    Can webcam be used remotely? Web Cams Used Remotely according to this article in Wired Magazine can and have been used this way since 2007. A tool called Flame Spy tool does it. It is not just in the movies. Is it true? Can a computer Webcam be used remotely? Your can read the “Wired”…

  • Sucuri Reveals a Denial of Service Attack for WordPress

    This is a repost from an announcement by Sucuri, The web security company. Protect your site from DDoS attacks If you’ve been following our blog, you know that we recently uncovered multiple DoS / DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, in which attackers are abusing the built-in pingback feature found in WordPress to carry out DDOS attacks on sites. If…

  • Phone App Infected with Malware

    Phone App Flappy Bird, target of Malware infection for users. One very popular game app for Android and iPhone is putting Malware on the phones. “All of the fake versions we’ve seen so far are premium service abusers — apps that send messages to premium numbers, thus causing unwanted charges to victims’ phone-billing statements,” This…

  • Product Stores Amazon

    Shop Safely, Shop Product Stores at Amazon   For The Tech in You:   For the More Spiritual Easy Going in You:

  • Err on the Side of Caution

    I offer this advice: err on the side of caution when opening emails this holiday. If your intuition tells you to not open that one, listen. UPS, FEDEx, Amazon, DHL, and other delivery companies do not send emails with attachments. This is the first clue that the email may contain an infected component. Email is…

  • Why WiFi Hotspots are Dangerous

    Public Wifi Hotspots I am going to explain why WiFi Hotspots are dangerous to the safety of your personal computer. Wifi Hotspots are open doors to your computer. It is where most people get their identity stolen. Computers are connected to the Internet via a network signal from an Internet Service Provider. All the computers…

  • FBI Ransomware

    You have not really been locked out of your computer. If you are in the greater LA area call 661 513 4727 to have the infection cleaned. READ WHAT THE TRUTH IS: New Internet Scam ‘Ransomware’ Locks Computers, Demands Payment 08/09/12 There is a new “drive-by” virus on the Internet, and it often carries a…

  • If you didn’t install it

    If you know you didn’t install a program, you can recognize a counterfeit. You should become familiar with the programs installed on your computer. Programs are listed under the Control Panel in Windows. This will help you to PREVENT a malware attack. If you get an email or a pop-up that says you need to…

  • PC Scan is Malware

      Another one IF you get a pop up that says PC Scan blocked a threat, the malware is already on your system. The infection blocks every known program on the system. To clean it, you will have to boot with an anti malware disk. Comodo, Avira and a few others have these available online.…